arTIST & educator
"I am extremely passionate about people, animals, nature, God, love, art, beauty, magnolias, copper, soft cloth, sewing, paper, shoes, weird objects and oddities, age, weather, wind, the sun, water, creating, teaching, being present... If I feel anything for anything, I feel all the feels for that thing, and that includes most everything. It's a beautiful and confusing world. I love it."

arTIST & educator
"I’m always looking for ways to get people as hyped about art as I am. I’ve been hugely influenced by Corita Kent and David McDiarmid, two community art educators from completely different eras and lifestyles who worked tirelessly to serve and inspire their community through artistic empowerment."

arTIST & educator
"I think people take themselves too seriously. It's great and probably right to take some things, work, situations, relationships, etc. seriously. But ourselves? No. I wanna have fun! I agree with Spongebob Squarepants — I'm a goofy goober...ROCK! We're all goofy goobers!"

DESIGNER & educator
"My creative process, in a nutshell, is to allow the process to determine the form. I'm trained as a graphic designer, but my approach is very experimental and I very much prefer operating in the land of open ends as opposed to rigidity and structure. I like to work on projects long term and build on them through daily exercises."

artIST & educator